Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hoppy Easter

We hope you all were able to enjoy Easter with your families and celebrate Christ overcoming the grave. We were fortunate to spend the weekend with family and have a few pictures to share of Kayla looking cute in her Easter dress.

Kayla got the Disney princess figurines in her Easter basket and was trying to learn all of their names. You may remember the princess from Beauty and the Beast; well, Kayla has named her "Jingle Belle." And the princess with the evil step-sisters..."Cinder-bella!" The final modified princess name so far, "Jazz-man" (from Aladdin). Too funny!

Kayla loves to dance and sing and says lots of funny words right now, so we are having a great time. We are very blessed. We hope you and yours are doing well too!


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