Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Fair Fun

It's that time of year again!  We started the annual tradition of going to the state fair a few years ago, and always seem to have a lot of fun.  We eat fair food and experience a few fun rides.  This year we even made it for $2 Tuesday.  All of the rides were $2 and several vendors had smaller sized options for $2.  Admission was even $2!

The ferris wheel is a good family ride, which allowed me to snap some photos.

What's out there???

The midway!

This ride was one of Kayla's favorites.  Even though it's hard to tell in the picutre, Kayla's in the back, Maren's in the middle, and Aaron's in the front.  They fortunately didn't get too wet.

Aaron took the girls to see some of the animals before I got there, but we all went through the barn that had chickens, geese, rabbits, and turkeys.  Watch the video below to see Maren "talking" to the animals...


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