Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall soccer in the straw

This fall season of soccer offered Kayla's second opportunity to play in the local co-ed league near our home.  Unfortunately, with Aaron gone for training most of the season, he wasn't able to coach this time, but this way Kayla is getting a chance to see other coaching styles.  She's also one of the older ones in the league, so I think she's having some fun running the show!

I gently make occasional suggestions for her to share the ball with her teammates, but that is just not too appealing to her, "but I want to score a lot of goals, Mom!"  Hard to argue with the good feeling of kicking one in!

This past weekend she had games on Saturday and Sunday, and since my mom came in to help with the girls, I was able to get some video footage while I didn't have to chase after Maren.  Side note on the curly kid, in a couple years, the soccer blog will be about her antics.  She's already kicking it all over the open fields during Kayla's games.  Some of the advantages Maren has by being the younger sibling include getting exposure to things at a much earlier age.  Kayla didn't even have a soccer ball until she turned 4!

Here are several videos of Kayla in action.  It was so much fun watching her this day because she was really going after the ball.  And, don't mind the extremely dead grass...I promise there are lines on the field!  We had such a dry summer that there was no hope for the grass.  Check back next spring when the fields will most definitely be lush again.

Here's one of many, many goals Kayla scored that day.

And another one.

So, the videos won't always end in a goal (but you can hear Maren cheering on her big sis)!

Now the coach is holding her back.

Just some fun soccer action!

I hope you enjoyed!  I'm sure there will be more bragging to come.  Go Tigers (a.k.a., team #7)!


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