Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rock 'n' Roll

Yeah for Maren! Today she rolled over - back to stomach and then stomach to back. Much like her fast and furious entrance onto this Earth, she had to do both directions in one day.

Good news is...she's on the move, bad news is...she's on the move! Unfortunately she did this at school today, so we didn't get to witness it. But when you've got a rambunctious 3-year-old sister waiting to pounce on you, your parents don't leave you lying on the floor too often! I'm hoping to actually see this milestone in person, and maybe get a little video footage.

As you all expected, Maren is already standing up on Aaron's hand (which I HAVE witnessed) and we finally documented last night. The pictures were pretty lousy (can't blame it all on the equipment, but we do hate our camera), but I'll still try to post the photos soon. Not to mention I still need to do a Christmas entry! Needless to say, work's been crazy.

Kayla has taken her imagination to a new level, she acts like she's a puppy. I finally had to tell her that puppies can't watch movies in the car, so we need Kayla in order to go to the store. The whole act is cute until you just can't stand the "whimpering" puppy anymore!


Blogger vj said...

Maren's getting big fast!
Looks as if Big Sister likes her alot!

10:07 PM  

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