Now presenting ________!
Well, it's that time of year. The flowers are blooming, birds are hatching, and spring has sprung! This general flourishing of life has filled the Parris household too. We are proud to announce that Kayla is going to be a big sister! I am pregnant with another little girl, and due September 8th. I had an ultrasound this week to confirm that everything was progressing as it should be, and we were able to see that we will be blessed with a girl.
Now the challenge of naming her begins. Considering that Kayla was about the only name (other than the middle name of Faith) that we could agree on, it might be virtually impossible to find another! Poor girl; hopefully we can come up with something. Anyway, I wanted to share a few pictures from the ultrasound.
Finally, I can't post a new blog without singing the praises of Kayla and her accomplishments this week. She came to me on Saturday night ready to use the potty, and she hasn't looked back since. As I type, she just came in needing to go to the bathroom.
So, she's been in underwear all week, and even went shopping today with Daddy (1/2 hour car ride each way to and from the outlet mall), which included christening the Nike store's bathroom. (I would have enjoyed seeing all of this!) This has been the easiest process ever, and I'm so grateful that she's done this well. It was totally spurred by her with very little involvement from Aaron or me. I feel overwhelmingly blessed that she made it so easy on us!
Now to the pictures of baby #2. She was moving around quite a bit during the ultrasound, and she seemed to like having her hands up by her head, as caught in this first picture.
Another side view.
Here is the front or "alien" shot of her.

This picture is of her backside, and you can see that her hands are up by her head again.
Thanks for sharing in our excitement. Stay tuned for more on how Kayla accepts all of this!