Wildlife or Just a Wild Life?
Sometimes it’s hard to believe we live in an urban area with all of the wildlife we seem to have around our house. The last couple years we have had a duck lay and hatch her ducklings in our front shrubbery. And just recently, I found a litter of kittens living under our deck. It appears that they are from the same mother who had a litter of kittens under our deck last year! As if this wasn’t enough, several weeks ago, Aaron found a turtle in our front drive. I must have not taken a picture of the duck, but here are a couple pics of the kitties and the turtle.
I think Kayla looks so cute in this one!
As for our wild life, the house always seems to be a disaster, there are never enough hours in the day, and forget about finding myself any new clothes (the other day, I forgot to get myself breakfast). On the other hand, it is so much fun watching Kayla learn new things and repeat (or try to) any word we say to her. Hearing her say, “love you” can help me forget almost all of my stresses of the day.
Here she becomes one with her toys.
Kayla’s latest passion is swinging. Aaron’s mom found an outdoor swing that we could use at the lake cottage and at their house. We hooked it up in our garage for an initial test run, and it was a winner from the first push. The downside is that Kayla asks to swing 24/7. All of the pictures I took were blurry, but you get the idea. The other funny thing is that the swing is about 5 feet off of the ground when it’s hanging in our garage. I can only imagine what people think when they drive by our house and see her swinging up there!
On one of the many, many hot days we’ve had in the last few weeks, Aaron had the sprinkler running in the front yard. Kayla thought this was a perfect opportunity for playing. She had a dress on, so we just pulled that off and she went to town. She liked putting the beach ball into the sprinkler as well.
We hope that you are all doing well, and have a great 4th of July. If you look below, I have added another entry about the house progress. Enjoy!!