Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fun with a Slinky

Aaron and I are always in need of good sources of entertainment for Kayla when we are trying to work in the office. One day we noticed the "Wallace" (Aaron's old company) slinky sitting on our desk. We instantly began marketing this as the best toy ever, and we successfully caught her attention. With this distraction in place, we thought we'd get more work done...well, then we just had to take some pictures.

Kayla's been making this big fish face lately, and we were also able to catch that while she played.


Blogger Parris' said...

create links so we can see the big picture on All the pictures! come on man ;)

8:23 AM  

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