Continuing on in Kayla's year of firsts, we just celebrated her first Halloween. Thanks to a great find at the children's resale shop, Kayla was the cutest zebra ever! We went over to Beth and Joe's house, along with Kent and Amber, and Beth's sister. Since Kayla was new to this whole experience, we went trick-or-treating with some old pros Nate, Josh, Rylan, and Jarah (Jillian was still too young to brave the chilly weather).
Not only did Kayla get to trick-or-treat for the first time, but this was Aaron's first experience too. I enjoyed watching him walk up to the door holding Kayla and saying "trick-or-treat!" It was such a fun time, and we of course got some good pictures. This first one is of Joe and Jillian with Aaron and Kayla. I loved Jillian's IU cheerleading outfit, and was quite jealous! Though, as you can see, Kayla looked great as a zebra. While we were trick-or-treating, we saw a little boy that had a tiger costume on, and we were ready to start

our own little zoo!

Here's Kayla attacking our Halloween Pooh Bear and his candy.

Don't worry, Kayla didn't really eat the Jolly Rancher!
I liked this next one because our gate almost looked like bars of a cage.