So you've got to cut a 3 and 1/2 year old a little slack. Indiana University is quite a mouthful, and when you tell her you'll be there for your anniversary...well, I guess this is what happens. Now, whenever Kayla sees anything representing IU, she says "Indianniversary!" Though she will also shout, "I - U!" To which I respond, that's my girl! Start 'em young, baby. State school, state school. Though we'd gladly put the money toward our yacht, "college fund". You go for that scholarship!
In all truthfulness, Aaron and I were able to get away for a night to celebrate Mother's Day / our anniversary. He had a conference in southern Indiana, so were able to go through Bloomington and have dinner at Puccini's (where we went for our engagement dinner). And then stopped back by for lunch the next day at Buffa Louie's. Ah, to reminisce over the college years. It just happened to coincide with graduation, but getting around campus really wasn't as traumatic as we expected. And, it was a beautiful day. Great mini-getaway.
Happy 8 years! Here is to so many more.