Maren Elizabeth

Maren Elizabeth
September 10, 2008
5:49 am
6 pounds 13 ounces
19 1/2 inches
Aaron and I have welcomed our second daughter into the world! She came to us in a rush that we certainly were not expecting. On September 10th, I was scheduled to be induced at 10am, but Maren had her own agenda. I woke up with contractions around 3am, and quickly realized that they were coming in quick frequency. Once I convinced Aaron that he needed to get out of bed, we got our things together and headed out the door. We barely made it into the delivery room, and Maren was born within a couple minutes. Thank goodness we live so close to the hospital! Aaron could have been delivering her in the car!
Kayla is thrilled to be the new big sister, and wants to love on Maren all the time (which is obviously good and bad!). We have a lot of pictures that you may want to see, so I'm attaching the Kodak link so you can check them out.
We hope this finds you well. Our two healthy, beautiful girls remind us that we are so blessed!