Parris Family Blog

The musings of our family mayhem. There's never a dull moment...what the heck did we do before kids?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer Fun

When you wait long enough between blogs, you accumulate a lot of pictures! Kayla’s had several fun experiences over the last month, and we just wanted to share some of those photos. One recent big event was the purchase of a playset for our backyard. We kept the blinds closed so she couldn’t see it being put together, and then let her walk out the back door once it was all complete. We knew that Kayla would enjoy it, but we didn’t realize just how much she would like it! This girl loves to swing, and demands to go higher and higher. I'm always afraid she won't hold on tight enough, but so far so good. And she’s already found every way to go down the slide. I’ve had to stop her from going down backwards on her knees; just seemed like a recipe for disaster! This first picture is her smile before she really knew what she was about to see, and the next one is once she’s outside and sees the “playground” as she calls it.

These are a favorite of Kayla’s. She refers to them as “binoculators!”

We also (finally) took a trip to the zoo, and realized that Kayla is in love with sea creatures. I was so excited that we were able to see the two koalas awake, but while Kayla liked them her ultimate request was to go back and pet the sharks. Mind you she shot her daddy a look of “don’t ever get me near one of those things again” when he put her hand in the water, but for days she talked about petting the sharks. She also was a huge fan of the penguins; thanks in part I’m sure to “Happy Feet.” This first picture almost looks like she’s in a world of just penguins…and Kayla.

We made our way over to the giraffes in time for feeding. Kayla enjoyed seeing them stick out their big tongues.

Finally, here are a few more pictures from the lake. I liked this one because it looked like Kayla was swimming with the dolphins. She grabs on to Aaron’s neck and they go diving off into the water!