My first, well, second Christmas
Mari was more than happy to assist Kayla in opening presents. I imagine that next year, Kayla will really be into ripping them apart.
My sister, Kelly, had a class of special needs children a few years ago, and had found this large magnifier to help one child with the computer screen. One day, we happened to hold it up in front of our face and realized what a hilarious spectacle it created. While this picture doesn't give it justice, the entertainment of putting this in front of each other's faces, kept my mom laughing all week long.
These next few pictures are from Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa Bicknell's house.
The Grandkids: Tammy, Mandy, Troy, Cory,
Kelly, Grandpa, Grandma, and Wendy
The Great GrandkidsSammy, Avery, Griffin, Alex
Grandpa, Kayla, Max, McKenna, Grandma, Drew, and Mari
Mom's Family
Avery, Alex, Mom, Dad, Kelly, Brad, Wendy,
Sammy, Kayla, Aaron, Mari, Scott, Griffin and Mandy
Here's Kayla enjoying a few of her Christmas gifts, including this "baby grand piano" that my parents found. She loves to dance around to the music.
Doesn't she look so soulful?
We started noticing that Kayla would always go sit in her infant seat, which is just being stored in another room. So, I thought maybe she would like a Kayla-sized chair for Christmas. Well, little did I know just how much she'd like it. The bright pink in the background of the above picture is a soft chair that we found for her. It may be hard to tell, but the chair is upside down, and we've found that it doesn't spend much time right side up! Kayla is usually wrestling the chair rather than sitting in it. I'll try to upload some video of this, because no words can give it due credit. It is so hilarious!
Aaron's parents found this great sled for Kayla, that she wants to run and sit in as soon as she sees it. Hopefully we'll get at least one snow this season, so she can really try it out. Until then, dragging her around the house will have to do!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and we wish you and your family many blessings for 2007!